H.E.L.P. Groups (Hope. Encouragement. Love. Prayer) to provide support to individuals seeking wholeness mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. These support groups are not about offering counseling, quick-fixes, or solutions to your pain and struggle. Though prayer will always be a component to the gatherings, the primary focus of these groups are to hold space for you in your quest for wholeness; trusting that the Holy Spirit is fervently at work to love and restore you.
Research has revealed that in order to pursue mental and emotional health it is critical to have support from your faith community and to have a safe place to share your story. Isolation is proven to only exacerbate symptoms. And yet, so often people stay hidden in shame and guilt when going through a mental health crisis. PLEASE DON’T SUFFER ALONE! Just as one reaches out for prayer and support when struggling with a physical health crisis, so should we reach out when we are in a mental/emotional crisis.