Saturday, November 9, 2013
Whitcomb High School
350 W. Mauna Loa Ave.
Glendora, CA 91740
11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Our goal is to raise funds for our Women’s Ministry. We ask that each Vendor donate 3% of their sales profit AND/OR donate one or more of their craft items for the raffle, which has a minimum value of $25. If you are donating an item, you will be notified on when and where to drop off your item for the raffle.
Vendors are able to register for a space or spaces to sell their crafts. Each space will cost $30 for an 8’ x 10’ space. Two folding chairs will be included for use during the event. All vendors will supply their own 6 ft. table and are responsible for their own money exchange. Check – in and set-up for registered vendors will start at 10:00am and need to be ready to sell by 11:00am. From 4:00pm – 5:00pm is clean-up.
Deadline to register for a space is November 1, 2013 or while spaces last. Registration fees are non-refundable.
There will be no taping, pinning, gluing of signs or objects to the school walls. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited on school grounds.
All vendors are responsible for their own merchandise and the Vineyard Church Glendora will not be liable for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Contact Event coordinator, Sherelle Gibson at 626-736-5004 for questions.
Make checks to: Vineyard Church Glendora
Mail to: Vineyard Church Glendora  Attn: Boutique 718 S. Grand Ave. Glendora, CA 91740